
Scan the QR code or open www.mobilejoypad.com on mobile phone and enter the code.

Text Text

Mobile Joypad allows to send texts from mobile phone to focused text areas. The text will be replaced after tap on send button. The feature can be used for example in login forms. Supported are multiple input types like e-mail and passwords.

{ "id": "mj-text", "name": "", "description": "", "tags": [], "url": "", "thumbnail": "", "controls": [ [ { "pad": 6, "keys": null, "typeName": "Control" }, { "pad": null, "keys":[], "typeName": "Control" }, { "pad": 5, "keys": null, "typeName": "Control" }, { "pad": 4, "keys": null, "typeName": "Control" } ] ], "typeName": "Game" }