
Scan the QR code or open www.mobilejoypad.com on mobile phone and enter the code.

Tap Tap

Mobile Joypad supports both clicks and taps. Some content accept touch gestures only. For this case there is distinction between mouse and touch actions. Optionally multiple touch areas can be predefined.

{ "id": "mj-tap", "name": "", "description": "", "tags": [], "url": "", "thumbnail": "", "controls": [ [ { "pad": 4, "keys": null, "typeName": "Control" }, { "pad": 5, "keys": [ { "key": null, "keyCode": null, "name": null, "color": null, "typeName": "Key" }, null, null, null], "typeName": "Control" }, { "pad": 5, "keys": null, "typeName": "Control" }, { "pad": 4, "keys": null, "typeName": "Control" } ] ], "typeName": "Game" }